Art Exhibition in Eskilstuna – Illustrationsfestival
2025-02-12 in Events

Art Exhibition in Eskilstuna – Illustrationsfestival

February 15 to March 8 I will have artwork participating in the exhibition “Illustration festival 2025” at gallery Borgenhag Holmqvist Art in Eskilstuna. If you want to see some of my ink drawing that is the place to…
Second place and interview in Penstore Talents
2024-12-15 in Events, Media

Second place and interview in Penstore Talents

I participated in the competition Penstore Talents on The premise for this competition is that you buy a set of six surprise pens. I made it to a shared second place and was interviewed (in Swedish). You can read the…
Art Exhibition – Julsalong Målarlådan, Ludvika
2024-11-17 in Events

Art Exhibition – Julsalong Målarlådan, Ludvika

During November 30 to December 22 I’m participating in a group exhibition in Ludvika. It is called Julsalong and is organized by Målarlådan. My contribution will be two ink drawings and one small oil on paper.…
Art Exhibition – Väsby konsthall
2021-03-10 in Events

Art Exhibition – Väsby konsthall

Two of my drawings will be participating in the art exhibition “Teckningssalong” at Väsby Konsthall, in Upplands Väsby – Sweden. This artwork and artists is jury selected, so I’m happy to have been…
Interviewed in Swedish podcast
2020-02-12 in LIfeWithArt

Interviewed in Swedish podcast

In this episode of the Swedish podcast "Penna möter papper", the show is an interview... with me! The spoken language is Swedish though, so if you don't know this beautiful language your out of luck.…
Drawing a portrait with dip pen
2020-02-02 in Drawing

Drawing a portrait with dip pen

This is a drawing of my sister-in-law Nanna, where I have used a dip pen with a school nib and Sumi-ink. Pen and ink is made by the company Zig Kuretake.…
Seven days, seven images
2020-02-01 in Photography

Seven days, seven images

Seven days, seven images. That was the premise for this photography competition on a swedish nature photography forum in july of 2008. I manage to snatch the first place.…